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Waiting for Black Metal Records to Come in the Mail


What has become of all of us, all ceilings, all skies?
Is that, the stars can swim on a thousand dark miles?
Before they ever see the floor again
With their backs against the wall on these last days
But then, we knew that would happen anyway

You drop that pitch-black pall
Over us, once again and all, move without
Propel your national machines
Giving us all the disease, but not the vaccine

Kontynuacja tekstu utworu poniżej...

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A thousand tiny lives
Disappear into the black stretch
I guess I thought I'd feel something but I didn't
But I didn't, yes, that's a myth

With their backs against the wall on these last days
But then, we knew that would happen anyway

You drop that pitch-black pall
Over us, once again and all, move without
Propel your national machines
Giving us all the disease, but not the vaccine

I would give anything
As I moved out, his fortunes sour

It's never gonna be good enough
It's never gonna be good enough
It's never gonna be good enough
It's never gonna be good enough
It's never gonna be good enough
It's never gonna be good enough
It's never gonna be good enough
It's never gonna be good enough
It's never

Writer(s): Have A Nice Life

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