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He's always left to go alone, the last one to go home
He's always left to go alone, the last one to go home

The beer got stale but there's a gaze form a young pretty witty face
that girl July she locks her eyes, gonna take her home tonight

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Underage drinking, fucking around, I had to turn thirty before I could be so cool
She drops out of school
First I was miserable in this bar, now they call me Carlos I'm a superstar, so cool
I'm a fool

Underage drinking fucking around
Is my video ready yet, is is?

He's always left to go alone, the last one to go home
He's always left to go alone, the last one to go home

Underage drinking, fucking around, I had to turn thirty before I could be so cool
She drops out of school
First I was miserable in this bar, now they call me Carlos I'm a superstar, so cool
I'm a fool

Underage drinking fucking around
Is my video ready yet, is is?

Writer(s): Mitchell Allan Scherr, Jaret Ray Reddick, John Lowe Kenneth Allen

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