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Lying sleepless when you're gone
And I don't know how to be you
'Cause I can stand no more
No, I can stand no more
There are spiders on the floor
I don't know how you live with it
And the pictures on the wall
And the pictures on the wall
Lying sleepless when you're gone
And I don't know how to be you
'Cause I can stand no more
No, I can stand no more
Absence of your name holding me down
Find me in the rain, find me somehow
Absence of your name holding me down
I can't stand no more
Find me in the rain, find me somehow
Lying sleepless when you're gone
And I don't know how to be you
'Cause I can stand no more
No, I can stand no more
There are spiders on the floor
I don't know how you live with it
And the pictures on the wall
And the pictures on the wall

Writer(s): Serj Tankian, Daron Malakian, John Dolmayan, Shavo Odadjian

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