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27 dollars in an old jean jacket
And there's dust under the collar
'Cause I've been walking for hours
But I'm almost where
I said that I would be

Just like long television
This heart, full of ambition
Has been haunting my dreams
Reaching for grander things
And I never really knew
If they could be mine

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But I'm out way past my prime
Looking for reasons I didn't get my time

Keep a bottle top list of the chances I missed
While I'm on my way to that vacant place
And I promised myself I would not escape

One more drink and I'm anyone's useless mess
Just a helpless man with no self-defense
If I'm not yours, what are you looking for?

But I'm out way past my prime
Looking for reasons I didn't get my time

My knees aren't leading when I seem defeated
If I try to save face before I make it to where I set out
And swore that I would find

But I'm out way past my prime
Looking for reasons I didn't get my time
But I'm out way past my prime
Looking for reasons I didn't get my time

Writer(s): Paul Hoffman

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