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A step apart, I don't fit In with my peers,
but I don't give a shit
Laughed at in the streets of my town
Their laughter hurts, but I'll hold my ground
Hold Your... GROUND
Hold Your... Hold Your Ground
It's time to stand up, for what you believe
Have no fear of your critics
Be proud of the life you lead
You may be different from your friends
but if their true they'll understand
Hold your ground -
Be yourself and be the best you can
Step Out!
Conformity, the easy way
to be accepted I'd rather be outcast any day.
It's hard to be yourself with all the pressures coming down,
It takes a strong fucking person to hold your ground.
Hold Your... GROUND
Hold Your... Hold Your Ground

Writer(s): Christopher L. Hobbs, Casey Allen Walker, Chad Laroy Jensen, Brian Justin Smith, David Hodges

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