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And I've had to fight
Another blurred affair tonight
Eyelids wrestle once again
Never gonna see my friend
Guided by the blinding white
Have you left home in spite
Knowing I'm alone tonight
Waiting for the light of day
Doesn't matter anyway
Something that I need to say

And I've gone underground
Never hangin' round
Should have made it back again

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Why can't the moon stay full forever?
Wednesday's bad but Friday's ain't much better
(Someone's hell)
Why can't the moon stay full forever?
Right now she's got nothin' on her mind

Will this neverland
Free me from its clutching hand
It won't release me

And I've gone underground
Obsessions I have found
Couldn't make it back again

Why can't the moon stay full forever?
Wednesday's bad but Friday's ain't much better
(Someone's hell)
Why can't the moon stay full forever?
Right now she's got nothin' on her mind

Writer(s): Robert C. Jr. Takac

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