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Caravan is comin', all guitars are strummin'
Chief is sitting high with gold across the chest
I'm just a little chavo, I don't even own a guitar
But mama, they got a girl that I love the best

Lela lela lela, lela pala tute
Jas kana meres merava pala late
Lela lela lela, lela pala tute

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Lela lela lela, lela pala tute
Jas kana meres merava pala late
Lela lela lela, lela pala tute

Carnival is comin', all guitars are strummin'
And says old hitano - boy, forget about the bling
Here is a guitarra for you little chavo
If you slave to kissing you gotta play this thing

Lela lela lela, lela pala tute
Jas kana meres merava pala late
Lela lela lela, lela pala tute

Caravan is leavin' and her breast is heaving
Lord, this kind of love can not be untrue
I'm a little chavo but I learned one thing
Girls they like the kissing as much as we do

Lela lela lela lela pala tute
I'm dying, dying, dying after you
Lela lela lela lela pala tute
Girls they like the kissing s much as we do

Lela lela lela, lela pala tute
Jas kana meres merava pala late
Lela lela lela, lela pala tute

Writer(s): Eugene Hutz, Eliot Ferguson, Oren Kaplan, Thomas Gobena, Yury Lemeshev, Sergey Ryabtsev

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