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It's just a temporary slide back in the abyss
I shoulda seen it comin' from miles away
Open armed, in a thick coat of structure
Shieldin' me from my own blades and dagger

There was purpose on the horizon
A destination, tangible and fragrant
And I marched as I knew
And I marched as I knew
And I marched as I knew
And I marched with a thousand
It's not surprisin' I should find myself flailin'
Havin' crossed the bridge of certainty
Back behind enemy lines with no work 'til Tuesday
I didn't even buckle to temptation
Guard down, with little to do I welcome old habits
Like a long-lost friend, to spite you
Egged on by weakened days
Givin' themselves up to the strengthenin' menace of darkness
The shrinkin' hours of light are gray and feeble
The soggy trees sigh, droppin' their leaves in defeat
The temperature falls, the big lights switch on
And from time to time, fireworks frighten the cats

Writer(s): Mike Levy, Chloe Raunet

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