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How do you do what you do to me,
I wish I knew,
If I knew how you do it to me, I'd do it to you,
How do you do what you do to me,
I'm feelin' blue,
Wish I knew how you do it to me but I haven't a clue

You give me a feeling in my heart,
Like an arrow passing through it,
Spose that you think you're very smart,
But won't you tell me how do you do it

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How do you do what you do to me,
If I only knew,
Then perhaps you'd fall for me like I fell for you

You give me a feeling in my heart,
Like an arrow passing through it,
Spose that you think you're very smart,
But won't you tell me how do you do it

How do you do what you do to me,
If I only knew,
Then perhaps you'd fall for me like I fell for you,
When I do it to you

Writer(s): Mitch Murray

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