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I can't swim, don't rub it in
I'm gonna run a little faster
I can't swim, so plug it in
Me and my heavy-metal master

Down and around when the comes come down and
Down and around when the cops come down on you
Jump around to the cop-show sound
Sing death to the crown, man

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(Esto es lo que quiero ser, soñando quiero más, respirando calor
Estoy cambiando el sol, estoy cambiando mi centro
Estoy quemando las sombras temporales de pistolas)

I can't swim, don't rub it in
I'm gonna run a little faster
I'm Greg Ginn
I'm running skin
I'm selling glitter for the plaster

Down and around when the comes come down and
Down and around when the cops come down on you
Jump around to the cop-show sound
Sing death to the crown, man

We got it
We got it
You got it
You got it
We got it
We got it, oh

I want it
I want it
I want it
I want it
I want it
I want it now

I can't swim so plug it in
I'm gonna run a little faster
I can't swim so plug it in
Me and my heavy, my heavy girl

Down and around when the comes come down and
Down and around when the cops come down on you
Jump around to the cop-show sound
Get it straight cuz I'm down, man

I can't swim
I can't swim
I can't swim
I can't swim
(Estoy quemando las sombras temporales de pistolas)

Writer(s): Ian Fowles, Don Blum

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