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Reaching around my pockets
For the right words
It's been a long couple of years
Draggin' ass for a dollar
here and there
Just looking for a minute
or a thank you for the effort
I don't care to be here
Cause my time, my time is running out
to be here
Cause my time, my time, is running out

The sun's too fat to climb up the horizon
Fuck it
It's been too long a walk, a walk, a walk
To not be headed anywhere
(headed anywhere)
Not be headed anywhere
Too long a walk, a walk, a walk
To not be headed anywhere
(be headed anywhere)
Not be headed anywhere

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I've just been digging all around
For something like the truth
That luxury that writhes in all its fleeting, fading hues
But in the meantime I'll say thanks
My mind, my mind is running out
I appreciate the extra weight
My mind, my mind is running out

The sun's too fat to climb up the horizon
Fuck it
It's been too long a walk, a walk, a walk
To not be headed anywhere
(headed anywhere)
Not be headed anywhere
Too long a walk, a walk, a walk
To not be headed anywhere
(be headed anywhere)
Not be headed anywhere

Too far along have I come (come)
Too far along to give up (up)
Too far along have I come (come)

Writer(s): Derek Bloom, Travis Richter, Matt Good, Stephen Manning

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