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I have been in you, baby
And you have been in me
And we have be so intimately entwined
And it sure was fine

I have been in you, baby
And you have been in me
And so you see we have be so together
I thought that we would never
Return from forever
(Return from forever)
(Return from forever)

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You have been in me
And understandably
I have been in 'n' outta you (in 'n' outta you, in 'n' outta you)
And everywhere, you want me to (in 'n' outta yoooou)
Yes you know it's true

And while (I was inside)
I might have been (undignified)
And that is maybe (why you cried)
I don't know, maybe so
But what's the difference now?

I have been in you baby
You have been in me
Aw' little girl there ain't no time
To wash your stinky hand
Go head 'n' roll over
I'm goin' in you again
In you again
In you again
In you again

I'm going in you again-ahhh
In you again, ah
In you again-aah
In you again, ah
In you again-aah
In you again, ah

Now I'm goin' in you again baby
'N' you can go in me too, that's true
I'm goin' in you again, baby
'N' later when we get through
I'm going in you again-ahh
In you again, ah
In you again-aah
In you again, ah
In you again-aah
In you again, ah

Writer(s): Frank Zappa

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