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Oh, now the sun is up
High in the sky
Lost in the sugar rush
Violet sky
Beachside candy cane
Blue tongues in summer rain

Oh my God!
Brighton rock!

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Oh, now the sun is up
Eyes like the sky
Lost in a sugar rush
Violet high
No need for Novocaine
Blue tongues in summer rain

Oh my God!
Brighton rock!

I've been waiting all day inside
Waiting for a summer sky
When we run wild
We'll come up for air and go under again

I've been waiting all day inside
Waiting for a summer sky
When we run wild
We'll come up for air and go under again

Oh my God!
Brighton rock!

Oh, now the lights come up
Your eyes don't lie
Blue when you call me up
We all know why
Raspberry candy cane
Blue tongues in summer rain

Oh my God!
Brighton rock!

I've been waiting all day inside
Waiting for a summer sky
When we run wild
We'll come up for air and go under again

I've been waiting all day inside (Inside)
Waiting for the summer sky
When we run wild
We'll come up for air and go under again
Come up for air and go under again
Come up for air and go under again

Under and up for air
Under and up for air
Under and up for air
Under and up for air

I've been waiting all day inside
Waiting for the summer sky
When we run wild
We'll come up for air and go under again

I've been waiting all day inside (inside)
Waiting for that summer sky
When we run wild
We'll come up for air and go under again

I've been waiting all day inside (inside)
Waiting for the summer sky
Forever below and when we go under we'll come up for air

I've been waiting all day inside (inside)
Waiting for that summer sky
When we run wild
We'll come up for air and go under again

Writer(s): James Andrew Smith, Yannis Barnabas Emanuel Philippakis, Jack William Bevan, Anup Paul

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