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I got nothing on you
I know there's nothing to do
When times are bad and time get rough
Won't you lay me down in the tall grass and let me do my stuff?

But I got nothing on you
Your love's got nothing to do
When times are bad and time get rough
Won't you lay me down in the tall grass and let me do my stuff?

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I know has got nothing on you
I know you got nothing to do
When times go bad when time get rough
Won't you lay me down in the morning gown and let me do my stuff?

I know I got nothing on you
I know I've got nothing on you
When times go bad and time get rough
Won't you lay me down in the grave yard and let me do my stuff?

I know I got nothing on you, the second I knew, yeah-yeah
I know I got nothing on you, somebody has taken your place
When times go bad and the time go rough
Won't you lay me down in the tall grass and let me do my stuff?

Can I've more drums in my cans
That's a feel too there, ha?

Writer(s): Lindsey Buckingham

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