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Here in my car
I feel safest of all
I can lock all my doors
And it's the only way I live
In cars

Here in my car
I can only receive
I can listen to you
And it keeps me stable for days
In cars

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Here in my car
When the image breaks down
Will you visit me, please
If I open my door
In cars

Here in my car
I know, I've started to think
About leavin' tonight
Although nothin' seems right
In cars

Here in my car
Nothin' seems
Here in my car
Nothin' seems
Here in my car
Nothin' seems
In cars

Here in my car
Nothin' seems
Here in my car
Nothin' seems
Here in my car
Nothin' seems
In cars

Writer(s): Gary Anthony James Webb

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