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Where there was one before
Now there are many
And as the days go by
I see them multiply
I can't eat
I can't sleep
Because I know they'll be watching me
Descending on the breeze
Their shadows keep falling down on me

There's a blackbird
In my garden
There's a blackbird
In my garden

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Where there was one before
Now there are many
What are they're waiting for?
Food I have not any
I can't eat
I can't sleep
Because I know they'll be watching me
With yellow eyes that see right through
I don't know what I'm supposed to do

All these blackbirds
In my garden
In my garden

Writer(s): Iain Gordon, Tehimana Kerr, Chris Faiumu, Scott Towers, Toby Laing, Dallas Tamaira, Joseph Lindsay

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