
1. Through The Gates Of Mind (Intro)
2. Moments Of Peace
3. NR
4. Dream
5. Ocean Star.
6. Sonata In e-minor
7. Misty
8. Beyond Mind Frontier

NR Lyrics:

If you dare to look beyond,
there is so much more to come,
So much colors never seen,
light and darkness is a dream,
Through the shadows and disguise,
you must seek to sacrifice,
All that you hold dear inside,
all the memories of time…
Unleash your eyes, reveal the signs,
the creation of your mind,
and nothing can keep you away,
from what you’ll find – on the other side
Despair and grief no more shall be,
your soul will fly eternally,
Reality lies far behind,
the truth is written in your eyes,
Your darkest hours will be eased,
this is your time to break the seal
Bleeding trees, and broken souls,
fallen angels, fields of gold,
Weeping seas, and moaning sands,
dying flowers bloom in your hands…
Unbind, rewind your sanity,
befool it with transparency,
let go and blow the obvious,
betray the grounds you walk across,
abandon all the venomed sounds,
that echo through the sullen crowd,
henceforth it is your time to see,
what I besing this solemnly

unbind your eyes…
reveal the signs…
and you will find this garden deep inside your mind…
in your eyes there is the ending of all time…

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