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It's Not a Side Effect of the Cocaine, I Am Thinking It Must Be Love


Why can you read me like no one else?
I hide behind these words
But I'm coming out
I wish I kept them behind my tongue
I hide behind these words
But I'm coming out

Put your hand between
An aching head and an aching world
We'll make them so jealous
We'll make them hate us
An aching head and an aching world
We'll make them so jealous
We'll make them so jealous

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Always you make my stomach turn
And all the long drives
With my friends blur
And I wish I kept them inside my mind
I hide behind these words

And think of all the places
Where you've been lost
And then found... out
In between my sheets
In between the rights and the wrongs

Put your hand between
An aching head and an aching world
We'll make them so jealous
We'll make them hate us
Aching head and an aching world
Think of all the places
Where you've been lost and found... out

Writer(s): Joseph Mark Trohman, Andrew John Hurley, Patrick Martin Stumph, Peter Wentz

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