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I got a feeling,
You been needing,
Somewhere to confide.
Well I keep secrets,
Like a lion,
Who's guarding her pride.

You need someone to trust,
Well I got storage in my trunk (in my trunk, in my trunk)
Cause when you open me up,
I got the heart as well as lumps and bumps

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Because I'm back packing, packing back,
Ooo you need that, real woman,
Who keeps your secrets in her book bag,
Back packing, packing back,
Gotta love it when a sweet deal,
Knows how to be real

I made a promise,
To keep it honest,
No faking being nice,
Cause nothing at all,
Is artificial,
Including my behind,

You need someone to trust,
Well I got storage in my trunk (in my trunk, in my trunk)
And when you open me up,
You see I got more than lumps and bumps

Because I'm back packing, packing back,
Ooo you need that, real woman,
Who keeps your secrets in her book bag,
Back packing, packing back,
Gotta love it when a sweet deal,
Knows how to be real

Back packing, packing back,
Ooo you need that, real woman,
Who keeps your secrets in her book bag,
Back packing, packing back,
Gotta love it when a sweet deal,
Knows how to be real

Fast train to a barbie doll,
Or take my arm and we can take a stroll,
Aye bay bay it's not sweat,
We're bouncing with each footstep

Because I'm back packing, packing back,
Ooo you need that, real woman,
Who keeps your secrets in her book bag,
Back packing, packing back,
Gotta love it when a sweet deal,
Knows how to be real

Back packing, packing back,
Ooo you need that, real woman,
Who keeps your secrets in her book bag,
Back packing, packing back,
Gotta love it when a sweet deal,
Knows how to be real

Writer(s): Eliza Sophie Caird, Thomas Edward Percy Hull

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