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Life is a game
nothing's ever the same

No matter how much you can try.
Everything's fine when you have a good time

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But minutes later you could cry.

Up and down
I'm always feeling unstable

You seem to be changing my mood.
Up and down
it's like I'm hung on a cable

One minute I'm flying
one minute I'm falling.
Up and down I go like an elevator
down on to the top.
Up and down I know I'll be now and later

'Cause my love won't stop.

I know it's true since the day I met you

My life has never been the same.
Feeling alive since you gave me the drive

I'm like a candle
you are the flame.

Up and down
I'm always feeling unstable
. . .
Up and down
I'm always feeling unstable
. . .

Up and down I go like an elevator
down on to the top.
Up and down I know I'll be now and later

'Cause my love won't stop.

Writer(s): Roberto Turatti, Michele Chieregato, Thomas Beecher Hooker

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