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He destroys with the shining lamp of knowledge, the darkness born of ignorance. Orchestrated by Death himself. Master of the inferno, bringer of devouring flame to this transitory world. Divine dealings with mortality - residing in their hearts. Snatching the bounty for another human race, where holocaust is victory and peace is defeat.

The radiance of a thousand suns bursts into the sky - eruptions surging outward, disintegrating the partisans as they march on to a death unknown.

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It begins. The swelling gloom which spells conclusion across the heavens. This is the splendour of the mighty one. Bound to this monolith - a tragic monument to his pride. The crowd once gazing skyward exclaiming wonder, they round upon him, blinded by his brilliance. Their eyes are opened as they scream: "Blasphemer!" In his twisted vision of the cosmic form, fouled by artificial breath, he shatters galaxies. "Now I am become death".

To end everything and begin, to become the destroyer of worlds. This is his conviction. Across the stars the scriptures are unfurled.
The creator's revelation: End everything and begin.
Imploring them to heed his scripture of liberation, he cries "Worship Me!" as they blow his legacy across the skies. Innocent screams entrap his mind, as the crowd continue taunting, lives that never were; relentless, torturous in their haunting.

This is the splendour of the almighty one.
Destroyer. Blasphemer. Igniter of the thousandth sun.
This is the splendour of the almighty one.
Destroyer, Blasphemer. Master of all and none.

Writer(s): Henry Bates, Tom Whitty, Matt Unsworth

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