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The Chauffeur - 2009 Remastered Version


Out on the tar plains, the glides are moving
All looking for a new place to drive
You sit beside me, so newly charming
Sweating dew drops glisten fresh in your side

And the sun drips down bedding heavy behind
The front of your dress all shadowy lined
And the droning engine throbs in time with your beating heart

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Way down the lane away, living for another day
The aphids swarm up in the drifting haze
Swim seagull in the sky towards that hollow Western Isle
My envied lady holds you fast in her gaze

And the sun drips down bedding heavy behind
The front of your dress all shadowy lined
And the droning engine throbs in time with your beating heart

And the sun drips down bedding heavy behind
The front of your dress all shadowy lined
And the droning engine throbs in time with your beating heart

Sing blue silver

And watching lovers part, I feel you smiling
What glass splinters lie so deep in your mind?
To tear out from your eyes with a thought to stiffen brooding lies
And I'll only watch you leave me further behind

And the sun drips down bedding heavy behind
The front of your dress all shadowy lined
And the droning engine throbs in time with your beating heart

And the sun drips down bedding heavy behind
The front of your dress all shadowy lined
And the droning engine throbs in time with your beating heart

Sing blue silver
Sing, sing blue silver

Known as Albert Schweitzer

There's more to this kind of camouflage? More than just colour and shape
Who's crawling now in the tall grass near my tent?


Writer(s): John Taylor, Nick Rhodes, Andy Taylor, Roger Taylor, Simon Le Bon

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