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On the day that she was buried
Her daddy stood out by the cemetery fence
And prayed to God for forgiveness
For surely all of this is punishment for my sins

Laid her in the family garden
Said you could hear his heartbreaking miles away
All the men pitched in and bought a marble angel
To mark the piece of land where little Bonnie lay

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My Grandma said she would keep her in the morning
So her mama could sleep a bit and do the chores and such
She'd read her stories about little girls and magic powers
That would never let a pretty angel hurt

Her mama's always been a beauty
She's still beautiful to this very day
But they say Bonnie's crystal eyes put the stars to shame
Maybe heaven needed Bonnie's face

My grandma said she would keep her in the morning
A swollen angel who never would complain
She'd read her stories about little girls and princesses
Whose daddys don't feel punished for what heaven takes away

Little Bonnie never married
Little Bonnie never even made it four
But I grew up in her presence
Even though she was gone before I was born
Even though she was gone before I was born

Writer(s): Patterson Hood

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