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Dust and light
Fear and love
They float inside
They drain my pride

You did it to yourself
But you did it to me too
Yeah, you did it to yourself
But you did it to me too

Kontynuacja tekstu utworu poniżej...

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But hope survives
By wandering, lost in time
In truth, so clear
We are not fake, if not here

You did it to yourself
But you did it to me too
Yeah, you did it to yourself
But you did it to me too
You did it to yourself
But you did it to me too
Yeah, you did it to yourself
But you did it to me too

(Did it to me too)
(Did it to me too)
(Did it to me too)
(Did it to me too)

And so we live in an abandoned mansion
You search through the dark of your deserted heart
To return to the splendor again

I hear the chains
Dragging on the floor
But what leaves the noise
Is the sound of our voice

You did it to yourself
But you did it to me too
Yeah, you did it to yourself
But you did it to me too
Well, you did it to yourself
But you did it to me too
Yeah, you did it to yourself
But you did it to me too

(Did it to me too)
(Did it to me too)
(Did it to me too)
(Did it to me too)

And so we live in an abandoned mansion
You search through the dark of your deserted heart
To return, to return
Oh, we live in an abandoned mansion
You search through the dark of your deserted heart
To return, to return
Oh, we live in an abandoned mansion
You search through the dark of your distorted heart
To return, to return
We live in an abandoned mansion
You search through the dark of your deserted heart
To return to the splendor again

Writer(s): Scott Mcmicken, Toby Leaman

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