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I should spare the time.
And I should really bother.
But it seems way less effort just to lead you on,
Than say it to your face and sack it off.

Lover, here's the deal: you like me more than I like you and ever will.
Lover, here's the deal: I like you liking me.

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It's a deal, I won't bring it up.

Keep quiet, say I want to take things slow.
Keep quiet just to fob you off some more.

I should really try,
But I don't want that power.
And I don't have the confidence to have that chat.
Rather wait it out, avoid a scrap.

Lover, you like me more than I like you and ever will.
Lover, you like I like you liking me.

It's a deal, I won't bring it up.

Keep quiet, say I want to take things slow.
Keep quiet just to fob you off some more.

You like I like you liking me.

It's a deal, I won't bring it up.

Keep quiet, say I want to take things slow.
Keep quiet just to fob you off some more.

You just fill the time, lover

Writer(s): Matthew Stephen Donnelly, Robert Damiani, Simon James Delaney, Luke Philip Rayner

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