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Let's start with I'm sorry
And then go to your show
Without seeing you depressed me too much to go
And I smell like cigarettes and booze
I hate everybody here but that's no excuse

Let it go
Maybe never come back
But if I see you around
You know I'll wished you'd of asked
Do the crosswalks still talk?
Do the kids still dance?
Did you ever get to run across the quad in your underpants?
Do you still have to act cool in front of certain people?
Does your record player still have a broken needle?
And if I ever get to leave you
Can I count on you to believe in me
And all I want to be

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Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

And if ever I get to going
Can I count on you to forget how
I never cared about anything

Writer(s): Alex Luciano, Noah Bowman

Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

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