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Lay your pretty head down on my shoulder
You don't have to worry anymore
This old world is cold and getting colder
And I know how to lock and bolt the door
I'm strong enough to hold you through the winter
Mean enough to stare your demons down
The hard times put the shine into the diamond
I won't let that keep us in the ground

I'm a riser
I'm a get up off the ground, don't run and hider
Pushing comes to shoving
Hey and I'm a fighter
When darkness comes to town, I'm a lighter
Get out aliver, of the fire

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If we ain't got no money I can make it
I ain't afraid of working to the bone
When I don't know what I'm doing I can fake it
I'll pray till Jesus rolls away the stone

I'm a riser
I'm a get up off the ground, don't run and hider
Pushing comes to shoving
Hey I'm a fighter
When darkness comes to town, I'm a lighter
Get out aliver, of the fire, survivor

I'm a trier
I'm a get down low so I can lift you higher
An army couldn't keep down my desire
I'm a riser
I'm a get off of the ground, don't run and hider
And pushing comes to shoving
Baby I'm a fighter
When darkness comes to town, I'm a lighter
Get out aliver, of the fire, survivor

I'm a riser
I'm a riser
I'm a riser

Writer(s): Steven Moakler, Travis Meadows

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