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Let's have a black celebration
Black celebration

To celebrate the fact
That we've seen the back
Of another black day

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I look to you
How you carry on
When all hope is gone
Can't you see?
Your optimistic eyes
Seem like paradise
To someone like me

I want to take you in my arms
Forgetting all I couldn't do today

Black celebration
Black celebration

To celebrate the fact
That we've seen the back
Of another black day

I look to you and your strong belief
Me, I want relief tonight
Consolation, I want so much
Want to feel your touch tonight

Take me in your arms
Forgetting all you couldn't do today

Black celebration
Black celebration
Tonight (black celebration)
I'll drink to that (black celebration)
Tonight (black celebration)
I'll drink to that (black celebration)

Writer(s): Martin Gore

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