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Misted windows
Hide your empty eyes
Every moment, every whisper
Separates you from me
I've been screaming
Won't you let me in?
Let me see a trace
Of the places hidden
Under your skin

Answer me
Till that day that you do
I'll be one step behind you
Answer me
Till the day that you do
I'll be waiting here for you

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Answer me
Till that day that you do
I'll be one step behind you
Answer me
Till the day that you do

Needles sting me
When you look away
And your silence
Sounds like deafening screams to me (screams to me)
I've been waiting
Won't you open your heart?
And let me in
Please let me in

Answer me
Till that day that you do
I'll be one step behind you
Answer me
Till the day that you do
I'll be waiting here for you

Answer me
Till that day that you do
I'll be one step behind you
Answer me
Till the day that you do

Free your mind from doubt
All you have is now
Free your mind from shame
It will only bring you pain

Answer me
Till that day that you do
I'll be one step behind you
Answer me
Till the day that you do
I'll be waiting here for you

Answer me
Till that day that you do
I'll be one step behind you
Answer me
Till the day that you do

Writer(s): Sharon J. Den Adel, Robert Westerholt, Daniel Gibson

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