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Inside of this hole you create, you hide from yourself
You separate every belief that is true
And you spent your life attached to this poison
You don't feel anything out of the rain, and it's true that

You spend your life
Trapped in this void where
You will stay always

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Can't rid off this thought of you rotting in this same cold space
You don't want to feel anything new, you've decided
To spend your life, safe from emotion
This way you'll never be harmed again or confused now

You spend your life
Trapped in this void where
You will stay always
You waste your life
Relaxed in your void where
You will drain all of you

You spend your life
Trapped in your void where
You will stay always
You waste your life
Relaxed in your void where
You will stay always

You spend your life (always)
Trapped in your void where
You will stay always
Waste your life (always)
Attached to this poison (always)
You will drain all of you

Writer(s): Jerry Cantrell, Stephen Carpenter, Chino Camilo Moreno, Abe Cunningham, Frank Mirelez Delgado, Sergio Vega

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