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Well I'm out of work, out of hope
I got mouths to feed and I'm stony broke
The rum's all gone and I could sure use a smoke

I can't help thinking how it used to be
Everybody danced 'til a quarter to three
Living on the wild side, getting our kicks
How'd I ever end up in a place like this?
Get me out of here
Somebody get me outta here

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Three blind bastards parked on a bench
One said to the other hey who's your friend
That's how it started way back when

A shit-load of ways to communicate
One hates love, another loves hate
Now you're gonna tell me there's no end in sight
Next thing you know we're getting ready to fight
Get me out of here
Get me outta here

I got to tell you that I'm feeling rough
Been good to know you but I've had enough
You say pull yourself together and get a grip
You can stick it up your jacksie 'cos I'm jumping ship
Get me out of here

Writer(s): Roger David Glover, Ian Anderson Paice, Ian Gillan, Donald Smith Airey, Steven J. Morse, Robert Alan Ezrin

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