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Burn it down 'til the embers smoke on the ground
And start new when your heart is an empty room
With walls of the deepest blue

Home's face, how it ages when you're away
And spring blooms and you find a love that's true
But you don't know what now to do
'Cause the chase is all you know
And she stopped running months ago

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And all you see
Is where else you could be when you're at home
And out on the street
Are so many possibilities to not be alone

The flames and smoke climbed out of every window
And disappeared with everything that you held dear
But you shed not a single tear
For the things that you didn't need
'Cause you knew you were finally free

'Cause all you see
Is where else you could be when you're at home
And out on the street
Are so many possibilities to not be alone

And all you see
Is where else you could be when you're at home
And there on the street
Are so many possibilities to not be alone

Writer(s): Benjamin Gibbard

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