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Remember that night
White steps in the moonlight
They walked here too
Through empty playground, this ghost's town

Children again
On rusting swings getting higher
Sharing a dream
On an island, it felt right

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We lay side by side
Between the moon and the tide
Mapping the stars for a while

Let the night surround you
We're halfway to the stars
Ebb and flow, let it go
Feel her warmth beside you

Remember that night
The warmth and the laughter
Candles burned
Though the church was deserted

At dawn, we went down
Through empty streets to the harbor
Dreamers may leave
But they're here ever after

Let the night surround you
We're halfway to the stars
Ebb and flow, let it go
Feel her warmth beside you

Writer(s): David Jon Gilmour, Polly Annie Samson

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