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It's hard to hold
When the world is spinning
You learned nothing from the night before

Or the weeks
Or the weeks before that
Under your influence - right goes wrong
Under your influence - crossed my mind
Under your influence - right goes wrong
Under your influence - you crossed my mind for the last time
Forty ounces of courage

Kontynuacja tekstu utworu poniżej...

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And I'm feelin' fine (what a jerk)
You love the attention
You never had it

You never had it before

Under your influence - right goes wrong
Under your influence - crossed my mind
Under your influence - right goes wrong
Under your influence - you crossed my line for the last time
No safety comes from your numbers
Nothing said or gained
Shirking responsibility
True freedom from what?
From what?

(spoken part - you know I walked by you on the street the other day... you were going one way... I was going the other... and we both walked right by and we don't say a word... baby baby... we used to be this close .we used to be like brothers... but now 'cause of one time one word one phrase one time one word one phrase one time one word one phrase... baby baby baby it's all over... it's all over baby... yeah yeah... it's ancient history)

Writer(s): Michael Dowling

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