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You're the same kinda broken as me
All the damage unseen, fractured underneath
You're the same kinda crazy as I
Got a temper like fire, heart on your sleeve

These vacant conversations
Make you occupy my thoughts
And these awkward situations
Got me feeling out of touch

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So speak your love language to me
I understand just what you need
No one can hear it like me
Hear, hear

So speak your love language to me
I understand just what you need (what you needed)
No one can hear it like me, like me
So speak your love language to me
I understand just what you need (what you needed)
No one can hear it like me, like me

I'm tripping all over these words
My vision is blurred, can't see a thing
You know how to calm me right down
If I make enough sound, you rescue me (yeah, yeah, yeah)

These vacant conversations
Make you occupy my thoughts
And these awkward situations
Got me feeling out of touch

So speak your love language to me
I understand just what you need
No one can hear it like me
Hear, hear

So speak your love language to me
I understand just what you need (what you needed)
No one can hear it like me
Like me (yeah, yeah, yeah)
So speak your love language to me
I understand just what you need (what you needed)
No one can hear it like me
Hear, I hear (yeah, yeah, yeah)

(What you needed)

Writer(s): Fransisca Hall, Liam Merrett-park, Phillip Slabber, Leon De Baughn

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