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I can't ever pay attention
To anything you ever say to me
It's an awful affliction
Don't know why
It's just never come naturally

Small talk on the bus
How do some people talk so much?
Small talk at the smell
Talk so small
You'd need a microscope to dissent much at all
And just as well

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Cause I can't hold a coversation
I can't eat and pay attention

Nothing in common
I can't even remember
What I'm interested in
My concentration weakening
That's reverting back to myself again
You understand?

Cause I can't hold a coversation
I can't eat and pay attention
I can't hold a coversation
I can't eat and pay attention
I can't hold a conversation
I can't eat and pay attention
I can't hold a
I can't pay attention

Writer(s): Colleen Marie Gerossie

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