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I've been shackled underneath all these lies for the last time
And I'm throwing them aside
There's too much apathy that clouds my mind
Words cannot express the sadness I'm feeling

If this is all we are I'm walking out the door
I want no part of it, there has to be something more
Hope without action can't be the end
I can say I love you, it's never enough

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Aren't we the ones who walk the narrow road?
Aren't we the voices that come from before the throne?
And when we stand for revolution's sake
The world will know, they'll know Your name

If this is all we are I'm walking out the door
I want no part of it, there has to be something more
Speaking hope without action can't be the end
I can say I love you, but God it's never enough
It's never been enough, it's never been

This is the end of all You have become
Open our hearts and let Yourself in
This is the end of all You have become
Open our hearts and let Yourself in

And I won't stand for this
This can't be the body You spoke of
'Cause I have forgotten how to love
This can't be the body You spoke of
I have forgotten how to love

And I won't stand for this
I won't stand for this
I won't stand for this
I won't stand for this

Writer(s): Andrew Rodriguez, Brett William Callaway

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