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On the hard fast train, on the road to gain
Something gets right through to your telling bone
There's a sudden itch, an electric twitch
Sometimes I swear this body's got a mind of it's own

This is the naked truth, this is the light
There's only one place left to go

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Auberge (Auberge)
Auberge (Auberge)

You meet the silent type on a windy trail
With a shiny cloak and an unseen silver dagger
You can talk till you ache, give yourself one more break
You can tell by the look on his face that it just doesn't matter

'Cause this is the naked truth and this is the light
There's only one place left to go

Auberge (Auberge)
Auberge (Auberge)

Oh, give me a weekend, give me a day
Don't like what I'm seeing though I hear what you say
Think with a dagger and you'll die on your knees
Begging for mercy, singing: Please, Mister, please

'Cause this is the naked truth and this is the light
But there's only one place left to go

Auberge, Auberge
Auberge (Auberge)
Auberge, Auberge
Auberge, Auberge
(Auberge, Auberge)

Writer(s): Christopher Anton Rea

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