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They say my love for you ain't real
But you don't know how real it feels
All I want to do
Is to spend some time with you
So I can hold you, hold you
Your sister says that I'm no good
I'd reassure her if I could
All I want to do
Is to spend some time with you
So I can hold you, hold you
Plans fail every day
I want to hear you say
Your love won't be leaving (Run Run, Run Run)
Your eyes ain't deceiving (Run Run, Run Run)
Fears will soon fade away
Smile now, don't be afraid
All I want to do
Is to spend some time with you
So I can hold you, hold you
And let me whisper in your ear
Don't you worry, they can't hear
All I want to do
Is to spend some time with you
So I can hold you

Writer(s): Christopher Hamilton Bell

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