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Flower's bloomin', mornin' dew

And the beauty seems to say
It's a pleasure when you treasure
All that's new and true and gay

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Easy livin' and we're givin'
What we know we're dreamin' of
We are one, havin' fun
Walkin' in the glow of love

Ooh, whoa-oa-oa

Smilin' faces, goin' places
It's a wonder, it's so clear
By a fountain, climbin' mountains
As we'll hold each other near

Sippin' wine, we try to find
That special magic from above
As we share our affair
Talkin' in the glow of love

Oh-oh, oo-oo
In the glow of love

(Here in the glow) You're a shinin' star
(Here in the glow of love) No matter who you are
(Here in the glow) So I want to let you know you move me (Here in the glow of love), yeah, yeah

(There is no better way to be) Hold me, caress me
(I'm yours forever and a day) We are a sweet bouquet
(Seasons for happiness are here) Can you feel it all around you?
(Reason we're filled with cheer is, we're in rapture, it in the glow)
Of love

Oo-oo-oo-oo oh

Oh yeah

Writer(s): Wayne K. Garfield, Mauro Malavasi, Davide Romani

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