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All that time I see, came so easily, it's not me you really want.
If I see the sight, was I left behind?
You hear exactly what you want
When it's not the same, I let it go.
I let it go.
Say it to my face when I, I can leave you, you know.
To get, leave you to get.
Save it for the rest, oh
Hard to feel this way, if you see that they are with something you really want.
Takes a new routine to know what it means, to defend it would be wrong
When it's not the same, I let it go, I let it go.
Say it to my face when I, I can leave you, you have to try.
Live to try, no need to cry, save it for the ride home
It's not me you really want.
It's not me you really want.
When it's not the same I let it go, I let it go.
Say it to my face.
I let it go.
I let it go.
I let it go.
I let it go.
I let it go.
I let it go.

Writer(s): James Berrall, James Carbonetti, Matthew Iwanusa, Stefan Marolachakis, Samuel Hopkins

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