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Voices keep me small and tongue-tied to the wall
Breast-fed by the moon, I've grown up too soon

Heart is the mind of the matter
What's the matter?
Is your heart palpitating yet?
Heart is the mind of the matter
What's the matter?
Is your heart palpitating yet?

Kontynuacja tekstu utworu poniżej...

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Old and decided
Youth overrided
I just need something
I don't want to fear every dying say

Don't you dare tell me-I cannot be made to believe
That the rings under my eyes
Are really blessings in disguise

Heart is the mind of the matter
What's the matter?
Is your heart palpitating yet?
Heart is the mind of the matter
What's the matter?
Is your heart palpitating yet?

Old and decided
Youth overrided
I just need something
I don't want to fear every dying say

All these memories bailing out on me
Gone into the void
God must need them more anyway
All these memories bailing out on me
Gone into the void
God must need them more anyway

Old and decided
Youth overrided
I just need something
I don't want to fear every dying say

Heart is the mind of the matter
What's the matter?
Is your heart palpitating yet?
Heart is the mind of the matter
What's the matter?
Is your heart palpitating yet?

Writer(s): Stephen Brodsky, Adam Marc Mcgrath, Caleb Mark Scofield, John Robert Conners

Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

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