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I hear things I tried to say
Echo back to me the opposite way
Everything I've read spinning round my head
Let's escape to where the air is cold and thin

Oh, I might have believed in a miracle once, Everest
Oh, I might have believed, though I'm feeling deceived
And for all I care
I don't want to know

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Ghosts are dancing around the mime
Haunted by the sense of passing time
Dreamers know the way to survive the day
They'll escape the where the air is cold and thin

Oh, I might have believed in a miracle once, Everest
Oh, I might have believed, though I'm feeling deceived
And for all I care
I don't want to know

All the film has been exposed
In my photographic memory, I suppose
When it rain, it pours
Screaming through the doors
Every pain and pent-up eyesore I recall

Oh, I might have believed in a miracle once, Everest
Oh, I might have believed, though I'm feeling deceived
And for all I care
I don't want to know

Oh, I might have believed in a miracle once, Everest
Oh, I might have believed, though now I'm feeling deceived
And for all I care
I don't want to know
I don't want to know

Writer(s): Stephen Brodsky, Adam Marc Mcgrath, Caleb Mark Scofield, John Robert Conners

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