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After all of the world we see
I got my answers from a machine
You could just put on the line
So I got some peace of mind
I can't keep on tryin' at night
Got no more strength to keep up the fight
Hanging out to hear the ring
All I get is a machine (Toop, toop)

After all of the world we see (Shoot, shoot)
I got my answers from a machine (Toop, toop)
You could just put on the line (Shoot, shoot)
So I got some peace of mind (Toop, toop)

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After all of the world we see
I got my answers from a machine
You could just put on the line
So I got some peace of mind
I can't keep on tryin' at night
Got no more strength to keep up the fight
Hanging out to hear the ring
All I get is a machine (Toop, toop)

After all of the world we see (Shoot, shoot)
I got my answers from a machine (Toop, toop)
You could just put on the line (Shoot, shoot)
So I got some peace of mind (Toop, toop)
I can't keep on tryin' at night (Toop, toop)
Got no more strength to keep up (the) fight (Shoot, shoot)
Hanging out to hear the ring (Toop, toop)
All I get is a machine (Shoot, shoot)

Toop, toop
Shoot, shoot
Toop, toop
Shoot, shoot
Toop, toop
Shoot, shoot

Writer(s): Philippe Olivier Cerboneschi, Matthieu Arnaud Chedid, Hubert Andre Joe Blanc Francard

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