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Hearts go astray, leaving hurt when they go
I went away just when you needed me so (oh yeah)
Filled with regret, I come back begging you
Forgive, forget, where's the love we once knew?

Open up your eyes
Then you'll realize
Here I stand with my
Everlasting love
Need you by my side
Girl, to be my bride
You'll never be denied
Everlasting love
From the very start
Open up your heart
Be a lasting part
Of everlasting love

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Where life's river flows
No one really knows
'Til someone's there to show
The way to lasting love

Like the sun, it shines
Endlessly it shines
You always will be mine
It's eternal love

When other loves are gone
Ours will be strong
We have our very own
Everlasting love

Open up your eyes
Then you'll realize
Here I stand with my
Everlasting love
Need you by my side
Girl, to be my bride
You'll never be denied
Everlasting love
From the very start
Open up your heart
Be a lasting part
Of everlasting love

Writer(s): Mack Gayden, James Cason

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