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I hear your spirit calling
I hold your hand
And see you falling into the debris of it all.
We're making love and live in dreams

We crash through walls
But no-one wants to hear the screams

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And no-one knows the way or where it ends.

I hear your spirit calling
I hold your hand
And see your falling into the debris of it all.
We're making love and live in dreams

We crash through walls
But no-one wants to hear the screams

And no-one knows the way or where it ends.

One fine day
One fine day -
We may find a way

We may find a way

We may find a way

We may find a way.
One fine day - anytime anyday
We may find a way

One fine day - anytime anyday
We may find a way

One fine day - anytime anyday
We may find a way

One fine day - anytime anyday
We may find a way

Writer(s): Marcus Meyn

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