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I'm watching you run
Run from the sidelines
Taking a breath, filling your lungs
Keeping you alive

No fear, I'll be your eyes
I'll be your lifeline
And if I can be, I'll be your strength
And it won't be long now

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Head up, head up
Keep holding, holding
Your head up, head up
Keep holding

If you can see and you believe
Why are you so scared?
But if you don't care, then why are we here?
And what do you have left?

Head up, head up
Keep holding, holding
Your head up, head up
Keep holding, holding

Don't you take another step away from here
"I would go anywhere with you," what a lie
I'll break down but you will never see
And tell me, are you happy? Are you really happy?

Stay under the tide
Stay in my eye line
And looking ahead, there is a chance
Wherever it all ends

Head up, head up
And stay strong, holding
Your head up, head up
Keep holding, holding

Slowly cross off the days
That they say you can have
Try to retie the ties
That you will leave behind

Slowly cross off the days
That they say you can have
Try to retie the ties
That you will leave behind

Writer(s): Iain Andrew Cook, Martin Clifford Doherty, Lauren Eve Mayberry

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