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Picked up where I left off
Not taking any phone calls
Was that a jean pocket buzz?
I don't need you at all
Am I face down on this rug?
Never been this healthy and strong
I need no one at all

Made myself two promises
Get fit and stay confident
I'm purging any weakness
So I can climb anything myself
Who needs God when you're a god yourself
Please just give me a second

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I'll climb on bleeding hands and knees
To stand on the hill
Alone with myself
Dancing in the rubble
I'm dancing in the rubble without you
Dancing in the rubble
I'm dancing in the rubble without you
I'll be dancing in the rubble without you

The floor was covered in broken porcelain
Around the armchair I like sleeping in
Keeping one eye open
Never turn your back to the door
You say you still recognize my face
But I am not a child any longer
I'm a decorated conqueror
And I'll climb on
Bleeding hands and knees
To stand on the hill
Alone with myself
Dancing in the rubble
I'm dancing in the rubble without you
I'll be dancing in the rubble
I'm dancing in the rubble without you

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