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Paged upon the way, as he held his head straight.
Making plans, upon the favourite and their foes.
Turn to rest, as he stood upon his nest,
Taking chance upon a chest that beat him dry.

Keep my soul my head's not coming back.
Keep my soul my head's not coming back.

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Now I don't intend to be the fallen one,
I'll fight to keep them whole,
I've watched them a-dance upon the ceiling,
To complete their song.

It's not enough my friend to relegate,
Let's keep them on their toes,
Let's keep the bigots from their properties,
Let's keep the rabbits in their homes.

Oh, and all alone.
The rabbits in their homes.
Oh, and all alone.
The rabbits in their homes.
Oh, and all alone.
The rabbits in their homes.
Oh, and all alone.

Writer(s): Jacob Tarasenko, Timothy Hart, Jonathan Hart, Killian Gavin, David Hosking

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