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I knew that, but I chose it
You knew that, but you chose it
You chose it after ignoring why
With no time to look back

No eyes to meet, but a smile you made
What color would I use to paint all over
To open your eyes

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In a line, trying to kill off the dizziness
In an agony, trying to make the reason
In a line, without averting the eyes, as always

Knowing the reaction
Making an empty attempt to make the reason
"The reason why... well, I can't tell"

And such a smile
"My eyes are just reflecting"
And such a smile
Painful smile
Following the line

It's all so superficial
All these eye contacts
That are going back to the lies
In a line, as always, without averting the eyes

Knowing the reaction
Making an empty attempt to make the reason
"Already, I knew it"

Writer(s): Takeshi Otani, Atsuo Mizuno, Yoko Mizuno

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